Tinnitus Overview

Ringing, buzzing, hissing or other noises in the ear is known as tinnitus. Usually, the individual suffering is the only one that can hear the noise. Different variations of tinnitus sounds are possible in one or both ears. With millions affected by the condition, treatment options have become more proactive. Professionals handle tinnitus regularly without the aid of invasive surgery or other medical procedures.

Tinnitus can be tricky to diagnose, but the professionals at Mario Hearing Clinics of Massachusetts are knowledgeable when it comes to treating and evaluating tinnitus.

Facts about tinnitus

Myths about the condition are sometimes blended in with the facts. Information regarding tinnitus needs to be understood by the person affected, starting with their acknowledgment of a noise problem. There are countless programs dedicated to providing good information on tinnitus. Some are quick to their point while others go into the details. Facts are good, and a necessary part of teaching sufferers about the cause and effects of the condition.

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What to expect

Evaluations and tests are part of the first appointment, with past medical history determining the best route to take. Every patient has a different medical history, so the variety of tests performed will always be different. A comprehensive hearing exam will cover most of the basic tests that look for tinnitus-related symptoms. Additional tests are used when needed, focusing on finding a treatment plan that works for each scenario.

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Tinnitus info

The American Tinnitus Association is a great resource for information. Even if tinnitus isn’t a current affliction, the wealth of facts available at their website is helpful for pinpointing the effects of the condition. Sharing this information with loved ones or colleagues is encouraged, particularly when symptoms seem familiar.

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Tinnitus retraining therapy

TRT is the least invasive treatment for the condition, and currently the best modern choice. Several scholarly articles have pointed to its effectiveness in past or current patients. It is a mixture of counseling and sound therapy that was first pioneered in the 1980s. These methods are used to retrain the patient’s brain so that it tolerates tinnitus effects without stopping daily enjoyment. Current hearing aid users have a solid chance of meeting the therapy requirements without switching out their hearing aids.

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The most frequently asked questions about tinnitus are associated with the effects of the illness and its treatment. Although some of the information is common knowledge, there are still answers that new patients will find surprising. Professionals ask and expect questions about tinnitus from their patients as a way to meet goals for treatment.
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